четверг, 2 апреля 2009 г.


Loneliness, its size and power has no limits. Loneliness is not when you are one in the empty house or room but when you are among talking or shouting people, in the cheerful company, and when you understand that these people are strangers for you. Loneliness is when you understand, that not a single person gets all that you would like to tell, but will not tell, because you do not want them to know. It is when you speak with the person and notice that he does not hear you, that he tries to tell something to you, but you do not hear him. You are not interested in his problems, and he is not interested in yours. Everyone should count on his own strength, not asking anybody for anything. Each person is alone in this life. Making a step by thinking about other people can probably somehow protect us from loneliness. But people are tired of each other. Tired of meeting each other and talking about nothing and the life is losing its meaning for people nowadays. People fall into deep depressions, and for some people the best way to live is to be drunk. All written above loses its sense when we at least try to look and see people around us. And if you are lonely you should remember that somewhere there is someone who is lonely too.

четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.

Loneliness and illness can make us question

Loneliness is a factor in everyday health and it becomes even more of a factor when you are ill. Whether you are recovering from an illness or you are in the midst of a serious (or not so serious) illness, loneliness can make your illness worse or last longer. People who suffer from loneliness are five times more likely to catch common illnesses such as the common cold or the flu and are three times as likely to come down with serious illnesses. Loneliness is such a strong factor because without the human connection we all strive for there is no external motivation for one to regain their health. In many cases, the lack of external motivation turns into a lack of internal motivation. Being ill and lonely can be frightening to say the least. It can also make us question our value in the world.Loneliness and illness can make us question whether we have produced anything valuable for the world to see or if we could just pass through the night without anyone missing us. Nobody wants to be forgotten, and loneliness can make us feel that way. Even when we have been recently visited by a loved one or a friend the remaining loneliness can linger and we feel starved for human companionship. Loneliness and illness are such an interconnected link that many cancer centers set up a system of visitation to help specifically decrease the incidents of loneliness for patients fighting their illnesses.

понедельник, 2 февраля 2009 г.


But who are not faced with a form of loneliness as lack of a pair, expressed in a position to stress more frequently in women than in men (so to speak, single women or single men). A representative of weak sex, as it turned out, is all the more serious.
The phenomenon of abandoned women is a phenomenon of broken, depression, oppression.
The phenomenon of single women is the constant fear of loneliness, the search for a partner, as in sexual, as well as spiritually. Unfortunately, most «desperate» women chose a pair of despair rather than love.
Women, as you know, are looking for love, support and understanding of his life, a «desperate» women looking for him twice.
According to statistics, almost half of male visitors to electronic dating services are looking for really easy sex, and does not suffer from loneliness. As a result, those women who are looking for support and attention, are immersed in an even greater sense of loneliness and despair. Hence, mental disorders, stress, dissatisfaction with themselves, their «failed life», etc. There is also the type of women who are afraid to stay a panic.
Fear of loneliness psychologists are sometimes called «panic despair», has a significant influence on the behavior of women. This fear of loneliness cover it at a time when a friend got married, and some, brought the children.
But there is also another subtype of women who are left without a pair, and as currently «single», and urgently to find a chosen one, and from escaping loneliness. Thus, they spare no effort and energy, are beginning to visit all the cultural and mass events, which can meet him.
These women also subconsciously afraid of being alone and believe that the only way out of their permanent state-to find a partner.
One, my friend, left «a», the beginning of intensive search «way out». She visited many clubs, cultural events, etc. All my free time, she spends on searching. When a year passed, then another six months, and it is not met a man, she desperately told me that, apparently, will remain one all his life. After a couple of weeks, so she met her future husband. And, most interesting, it just came to her in the street when she ran for the job, and not been swallowed up in «their single thought».